Sunday, November 2, 2008

Meditation on Loving-kindness

Gunasekera forwarded me the following from Ken and Visakha Kawasaki:
Would like to share with you...

Meditation on Loving-kindness

May my mind be filled with the thought of loving-kindness.
May I be generous.
May I be gentle.
May I be relaxed.
May I be happy and peaceful.
May I be healthy.
May my heart become soft.
May my words be pleasing to others.
May I be a source of peace and happiness.
May I be free from fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and restlessness.

May the minds of my teachers be filled with the thought of loving-kindness.
May they be generous.
May they be gentle.
May they be relaxed.
May they be happy and peaceful.
May they be healthy.
May their hearts become soft.
May their words be pleasing to others.
May they be free from fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and restlessness.

May the minds of my parents and dear ones be filled with the thought of loving-kindness.
May they be generous.
May they be gentle.
May they be relaxed.
May they be happy and peaceful.
May they be healthy.
May their hearts become soft.
May their words be pleasing to others.
May they be free from fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and restlessness.

May the minds of all strangers be filled with the thought of loving-kindness.
May they be generous.
May they be gentle.
May they be relaxed.
May they be happy and peaceful.
May they be healthy.
May their hearts become soft.
May their words be pleasing to others.
May they be free from fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and restlessness.

May the minds of all unfriendly persons be filled with the thought of loving-kindness.
May they be generous.
May they be gentle.
May they be relaxed.
May they be happy and peaceful.
May they be healthy.
May their hearts become soft.
May their words be pleasing to others.
May they be free from fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and restlessness.

May the minds of all living beings be filled with the thought of loving-kindness.
May they be generous.
May they be gentle.
May they be relaxed.
May they be happy and peaceful.
May they be healthy.
May their hearts become soft.
May their words be pleasing to others.
May they be free from fear, tension, anxiety, worry, and restlessness.

May my mind be free of greed, anger, aversion, hatred, jealousy, and fear.
May the thought of loving-kindness embrace me and envelope me.
May every cell, every drop of blood, every atom, and every molecule of my entire body and mind be charged with the thought of friendliness.
May my body be relaxed.
May my mind be relaxed.
May my body and mind be filled with the thought of loving-kindness.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade my entire body and mind.

May the minds of everyone in this room be free from greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their entire bodies and minds.
May the minds of everyone in this building be free from greed, . . .
May the minds of everyone in this street be free from greed, . . .
May the minds of everyone in this city be free from greed, . . .
May the minds of everyone in this region be free from greed, . . .
May the minds of everyone in this nation be free from greed, . . .
May the minds of everyone on this continent be free from greed, . . .
May the minds of everyone in this universe be free from greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their entire bodies and minds.

May every being touched by these thoughts of loving-kindness be free from greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear.
May they be happy-hearted.
May they be free from worries and troubles.
May all beings in all directions throughout the universe be happy.
May they have good fortune.
May they be prosperous.
May they have good friends
May they be filled with loving-kindness, abundant, exalted, and measureless
May they be free from enmity affliction, and anxiety.
May they live happily.

May all those who are imprisoned legally or illegally, all who are in police custody anywhere in the world waiting trials meet with peace and happiness.
May they be free from greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear.May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May all who are in hospitals suffering from sickness meet with peace and happiness.
May they be free from pain, afflictions, depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their bodies and minds.
May all mothers who are in pain in delivering babies meet with peace and happiness.
May they be free from pain, afflictions, depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their entire bodies and minds.

May all parents taking care of their children meet with peace and happiness.
May they be free from pain, afflictions, depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their entire bodies and minds.
May all children abused by adults in any way meet with peace and happiness.
May they be free from pain, afflictions, depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their entire bodies and minds.

May all rulers be gentle, kind, generous, compassionate, and considerate
May they have the best understanding of the oppressed, the underprivileged, the discriminated, and the poverty-stricken.
May their hearts melt at the suffering of these unfortunate citizens.
May they be free from pain, afflictions, depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their entire bodies and minds.
May the oppressed, the underprivileged, the discriminated, and the poverty-stricken meet with peace and happiness.
May they be free from pain, afflictions, depression, disappointment, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and fear.
May these thoughts of loving-kindness embrace them and envelope them.
May the peace and tranquillity of loving-kindness pervade their entire bodies and minds.

May all beings in all directions, all around the universe be happy.
May they have good fortune.
May they be prosperous.May they be famous.
May they have good friends.After death may they be reborn in a happy destination.
May they be reborn in the heavens.


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