Thursday, November 20, 2008

Essence, Manifestation and Function

Here are some questions raised by my friend:

1."Why is there something instead of nothing?"
2."If all IS "nothing", what is the point of it all?"
3."If the mind is no-thing (and we get some kind of "enlightenment"), what is the purpose. "We" now know how the universe IS (in some sense of "knowing"), but what then?
4."If the universe is constantly expanding, into WHAT is it expanding?"

Based on these questions, I like to suggest that we need to understand the three aspects of all phenomena : the Essence, the Manifestation (form/appearance) and the Function(usage/application/purpose).

The Essence of all phenomena is emptiness (or nothingness) as it has no substance and inconceivable.

Manifestation takes place due to dependent originations (causes and factors). When the causes and factors disappear, manifestation no longer or cannot take place.

Function takes place in many dimensions and aspects, like the Net of Indra, all inter-related and inter-dependent.

This is the over-simplified version of the answer. A deep and detail explanation will required hours of discussion.

Wish that this will arouse some of the readers to study more about Huayen.

Try to use more of the sensation aspect and less of the rational thinking aspect of our ability, a different realm will appear to you.

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