Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Youtube: 2012 - A Message of Hope

Sharing the following email with you:

2012 - A Message of Hope

21 December 2012 seems to be a significant date worldwide. Many meditations will be performed at this date. So if anything, write down this date, and join the meditating masses on this date! This is a date that is now being seen as one critical for the survival of humanity and it will be the dominant thoughts or vibrations at this time that will determine our future. There are other dates also that are said to be significant. We suggest meditating on all of them! To be on the safe side… ;)

According to quantum physics our thoughts are always beaming out into the “quantum field”, that is “the world”, and we are always influencing both our self, each other, the nature and even the weather (!) by what and how we think and feel. Coming together on one day and conciously thinking positive thoughts and “beaming love” out in the world will make a huge difference. Or simply just calm your mind and find your inner peace and bliss. And the more people doing it, the better the effect. This is a worldwide meditation creating positive energetic waves of Love surrounding the planet.

We recommend that you form a group to meditate with. Invite them into your home, or do the meditation on some other suitable place, like in a church, a mosque, a classroom or maybe outside! If you for some reason can’t form a group, or be with your group, you can do the meditation by your self, wherever you are.

Just know that the more people meditating at the same time, the better it is. This will make a “tidal meditation wave” that flows across the planet from time zone to time zone, influencing both the meditating and the non-meditating, creating a world of joy and happiness, peace, health and prosperity.

We get more of what we focus on. So don’t focus on what you don’t want. Accept everything that is here in this world, even the “bad” things, love it, cherish it for giving you a contrast, and pick what you want more of, and keep that focus. Beware that everything has to be loved to both stay here and to go away. What you resist, persists. What you love, you release.

There is no time left to be complacent. The world is changing now. Not tomorrow. Be part of the change for good. The love. Not the fear. Let go your attachment to the old world and embrace the new.


1 comment:

Lung Zhi 隆志 said...

Hi Bev,

The video brought a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart. It must be sending out some positive electro-magnetic vibrations. When I sent out the invitation for 迴向童真 in jest, I haven't had the chance to watch the video, but after having seen the video and felt the emotional impact, I just feel so much stronger about the power of 迴向, whether it be 童真 or 善根. After all, when 童真 becomes mature and guided by right view, it becomes 善根. 善根 without 童真 is so dull and dry, but 童真 without 善根 is brittle and weak.

During meditation, sometimes we are too pre-occupied with techniques and forgot about the emotions behind it. The emotions are love and compassion, and the strength of that emotion depends on the strength of our 發心. Olivia, you might remember that during the Phowa retreat, Ani mentioned that the moment you felt some strong compassion or when tears well up in your eyes, that is the moment when your central channel opened.

Beverly, thank you for this beautiful video. I am going to forward it to some of my friends, and who knows, maybe I wasn't kidding about the 迴向童真/善根 meditation session after all.
