Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Zero Limits

An email from Ling:

Dear friends,

Wish all of us have a great leap on the path to Buddhahood in the new year of Rabbit, 2011.

I'd like to share the book of "Zero Limits" (零極限) attached for your convenience. Please do not re-forward the attached copy to others due to unclear copyright but can refer your friends to go visit the following website to download if so desired:
2. click 图书
3. click 深入零极限

Honestly speaking, reading the translated copy in Chinese is not as clear as its original book in English. Nevertheless it is still worth reading from my personal view. At least, I get to see a living Arhat (Dr. Hew Len) in my lifetime. Dr. Hew Len emphasizes "Clean" which has been translated into "歸零".

To me,
"歸零" = "銷歸自性" (就是「朝朝暮暮在逢春」) in Buddhist term, also
"歸零" = "此是普賢行, 此是普賢境" in 華嚴 term ,
實屬知易行難之事. But Dr Hew Len has been practicing it, which is so amazing to me!!!!

If interested, you can watch "Interview of Dr Hew Len" on youtube. Be patient to view thru the clips in the hope you may find something inspired:
Dr Hew Len, ho'oponopono (1/9 - 9/9)

Best of Wishes,


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